RGBlink - RMS2380U, 23.8” 12G-SDI 4K HDR Monitor RGBlink - RMS2380U, 23.8” 12G-SDI 4K HDR Monitor
RGBlink - RMS2380U, 23.8” 12G-SDI 4K HDR Monitor

RGBlink - RMS2380U, 23.8” 12G-SDI 4K HDR Monitor

List price:
€3,636.36 Excl. Tax
Your price:
€1,500.00 Excl. Tax
Your discount: 59%
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RGBlink - RMS2380U, 23.8” 12G-SDI 4K HDR Monitor

The RMS 2380U / RMS 2700U / RMS 3200U RGBlink UHD series is a 12G SDI 4K/8K monitor, equipped with 4*12G SDI input, supports up to 8K native LCD display of 3840 x 2160 pixels, 16:9 aspect ratio, 98% DCI-P3 wide color gamut, custom 3D LUT import, designed for professional production and post-production workflow. RMSUHD provide unique and accurate color reproduction and supports various HDR gamma curves, such as PQ, HLG, S-Log3.

  • Monitors with Resolution 3840x2160
  • Input: 12G-SDI, 4xBNC, HDMI 2.0, 2xHDMI-A, SFP, 12GFiber, Type-C/Thunderbolt3, 1xUSB-C
  • Output: 12G-SDI, 4xBNC
  • Image control functions such as Waveform, vectorscope and histogram, which allows to compare the quality of the video values with reference patterns, which can be individually activated / deactivated and select their position on the screen, size, color and transparency thereof.
  • You can use a professional color probe and 3DLUT calibration software to generate a 3DLUT cube file for uploading to the monitor via USB stick.
  • RS422 In and Loop
  • Power supply AC 220V and DC 4-Pin Cannon Interface.
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Condition New
Brand RGBlink