RGBlink - MSP303 - SDI to HDMI Convertor
RGBlink - MSP303 - SDI to HDMI Convertor

RGBlink - MSP303 - SDI to HDMI Convertor

List price:
€92.31 Excl. Tax
Your price:
€25.00 Excl. Tax
Your discount: 73%
Last stock:
18 pieces
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RGBlink - MSP303 - SDI to HDMI Convertor without Audio Embedded

MSP 303 is a SDI to HDMI video converter, which supports 1 SDI input and 1 HDMI output. SDI input support 480i@60, 576i, 720P@50/59.94/60, 1080i@50/59.94/60,  1080P@23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60.

And HDMI output support 720× 480@60, 720×576@60,1280×720@60,1920×1080@23.98/24/25/29.97/30/50/59.94/60.  Besides, an optional pair of mounting ears can be mounted on the MSP rack.

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Condition New
Brand RGBlink